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PT 5.1 & 9600/350 & 9500/200




main user

Сообщений: 53
Регистрация: 12.11.2011


Сообщение # 1 18.10.21 - 02:14:18
RE: PT 5.1 & 9600/350 & 9500/200

Blays From Amber

main user

Сообщений: 228
Регистрация: 04.02.2005

People seem to be saying both. Digi says the 9600 is compatible. I have run Mac OS 9.04 on my 9600 with 5.01 for months with no problems. I am assuming 5.1 will be okay too. E-an, who do you know that is having problems running 5.1 on a 9600?

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinkingRacing around to come up behind you again.
Сообщение # 2 18.10.21 - 02:58:43
RE: PT 5.1 & 9600/350 & 9500/200

Julia О_о

main user

Сообщений: 5
Регистрация: 11.02.2012

Not really read of people having trouble - just lots of murmerings about people wanting to upgrade because of worries over performance. I guess its early days with 5.1 anyway... just wanting to see what people are up 2 as Im trying to figure out where to head with all this before we upgrade Cheers anyway, E

Сообщение # 3 18.10.21 - 03:39:39
RE: PT 5.1 & 9600/350 & 9500/200
Следующая тема: 29 апреля - J.C. Fest
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